General Creighton W. Abrams
span class="large"On 4 September 1974 the Army suffered the loss of its honored Chief of Staff, General Creighton W. Abrams. As a guard on the West Point football team, quot;Abequot; earned a reputation as a hard-charger, a reputation which was proven on the battlefields of World War II as a crack tank commander under General George S. Patton. quot;Abequot; also displayed a keen ability to work with people throughout his career from his command of Federal troops sent to Alabama to ease racial tension in the early 1960's to his supervision over the withdrawal of half a million U.S. troops from South Vietnam. Upon his return, he was appointed Army Chief of Staff where he served with distinction for nearly two years. Memories of General Abrams and his vast accomplishments will take their place among those of other great leaders in the long gray line./span