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Company I-4

First Row: P. Devens, J. Florio, G. Harris, P. Leake, B. Aultman, D. Meisell.

Second Row: B. Pepper, R. Coston. M. Girolamo, I. Keehu.

Third Row: D. Brown, R. Hadden.

Fourth Row: K. Hansen, S. Ptacek, G. Tharp.

Fifth Row: R. Machamer, S. Christensen, D. Morningstar, J. Cage.

Sixth Row: J. McConnell, C. Scace, D. Rehbein, T. Eccleston, R. Berlin.

Well the I-4 team made it through with flying colors. The class that truly identifies with American Graffiti, a story of the lost Fifties. Following the tried and true philosophy of Joseph D. where you collect three years of dividends for one year of investment, the boys of I lived fat off the hog from the blood sweat toil and tears of the three classes behind them.

The class was notable for many winners. (The envelope please) For defeating the Marlboro Bear, Andre wins a one-way ticket to Germany. Plumbob, an official HeeHaw T-shirt. Bitter Bo, a broken rabbits' foot. Cody, a pair of ivory-handled shoe trees. Rehbein 635 gets a Starship command. Ratzo gets a roll of kite string. Fat Rap gets his numbered knick knacks back. Meeswell wins Walden's Pond. Banzai receives stars. MR gets a pal. Dr. Pepper picks up a Brooklyn accent. Conan becomes an alcoholic. Cat becomes a Conscientious-Objector. Ecc wins his Ranger tab. Bob B gets a 3.0 troll. Colonel doesn't have anything to say. Chilly reaches 6 feet. G.O. marries a southern girl. Papa marries a northern girl. Dino gets sent back to the reservation. Bubs discovers the world outside Boston. Woo Chow hires a translator. Straight Arrow kisses it off. Chumsley finally gets his deer. Carl wins a Book on Bridge. Ioane is discovered to be the Ghost of West Point. Kurt graduates.

Seldom will so many be assembled in such a small place and accomplish as little as possible.